In a completely bizarre move, the Minnesota State Demographics Center released a fake newspaper in 1996 that they titled "The Not Yet Gazette."
It was supposed to use demographic information to show what the state will be like in November 2025.
The site is totally worth exploring for gems like this: "Life on the Inside: Are ElderDorms Homes or Prisons for Old People?"
There's another article mentioning the slim election of a coalition led by a " Governor Sheriff Abdul Muhammed." (I don't know how they got that title out of demographic data.)
Also, in the future they call baby-boomers 'grasshoppers,' supposedly due to a parable about grasshoppers not saving for old age. I smell Gen-X all over this.
It's silly, but I'd rather consume demographic data through this forum than the typical presentation.
Although, it does seem naive to assume newspapers would be around in 2025.
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